Har du fått en kaffefläck? - Do's and Don'ts vid svåra fläckar

Got a coffee stain? – Do's and Don'ts for tough stains

Panic! We’ve all been there at some point—the coffee cup tips over, spilling coffee all over the table, the carpet, and your freshly washed sweater. Typical. But there are simple methods to remove stains, whether it’s coffee, red wine, chocolate, or something else. It’s also easy to make mistakes in these situations, which is why we’ve put together a list of Do’s and Don’ts to save your clothes or home textiles.

Don’t – Rub the stain

Your first instinct might be to grab the nearest cloth and start wiping at the stain. If you’re really unlucky, this will only make the liquid soak deeper into the fabric, making it even harder to remove. So, what should you do instead to avoid ending up with a permanent coffee stain?

Do – Blot the coffee stain

Step one when faced with a new stain is to grab something like a paper towel or a cloth and blot it gently to absorb the liquid. We recommend using a Cleaning Cloth, a microfiber cloth with great absorbency that can be reused many times.

Don’t – Let the stain dry

Another common mistake is to let the stain dry without first removing the excess liquid. Just like rubbing, letting the stain dry will make it absorb further into the fabric and become harder to remove. But sometimes accidents go unnoticed until it’s too late. So, what can you do then?

Do – Use a stain remover

If the stain has already dried, it may be harder to remove—but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Pure Effect Textile Mist is easy to use and environmentally friendly, as it’s based on biotechnology and filled with good bacteria that clean—unlike traditional chemical cleaners. Simply spray the mist directly onto the stain and then blot it with a microfiber cloth to remove the excess. Let the bacteria in the mist do their job breaking down the stain, and repeat the process as needed. Tougher stains may need a few days of treatment, while lighter ones might only require one spray.

Below is an example of how the mist was used over a few days to remove a dried pesto stain.

Before and after: Red stain on white pants in the left image, stain-free pants in the right image.

Don’t – Toss the item in the laundry basket

Don’t wash your clothes, carpet, or upholstery unnecessarily. Using Pure Effect’s mist means you don’t have to wash as often since it cleans directly at the source of the dirt. Why wear out an entire garment in the washing machine or lug your carpet to the dry cleaner just to remove one small stain?

Pure Effect’s Textile Mist comes in both a large bottle for home use and a smaller one that’s perfect for when you’re on the go—you never know when a garment might need a quick refresh.

Textile Mist

Textile Mist – Small Bottle

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